Sunday, February 07, 2010

McCall Winter Carnival

Sunday, February 07, 2010
I have always loved the McCall Winter Carnival.  Each time I go, I am amazed at the detail on some of the snow sculptures.  I headed up to McCall this weekend with Jen & Jared to enjoy the festivities.  It was nice heading up on Friday because we missed a lot of the crowds.  It was fun to see the different artist's takes on  the theme "Wild Idaho".  Here are some of our favorites:

This bathroom wasn't the most beautiful sculpture, but it was fun for posing :-)

We also had fun taking turns tubing down a slide that was part of one of the sculptures.

After we had seen all the sculptures, we headed to dinner at Toll Station, and then wandered through the vendors, listened to a live band, and warmed up by the bonfire.  We decided to end the night with Bingo.  I forgot how much fun Bingo can be.  None of us won a single game (although we were close on a couple!), but Jared did make a haul on the raffle tickets he bought.  He only bought three tickets total, but won two of the three prizes - including cash and tickets to Roaring Springs and the movie theater.  Lucky guy!
We stayed the night in Shore Lodge, a beautiful old hotel on the lake... On Saturday morning we enjoyed a breakfast at Pancake House (where else do you eat breakfast in McCall???) and then headed back home.  What a fun little trip!


MaiTy said...

Those are the coolest sculptures! So, why did they make a bathroom? Don't get me wrong, it was COOL, but funny! Also, good job getting your taxes done early!