My friend Brooke asked me yesterday if I had a productive week off work... and I am happy to say yes! I went skiing, saw two movies in the theater, painted my spare bedroom, had lunch with the fam one day and had a BYP lunch another day, put together a puzzle that I framed for my new Boise-themed bedroom (with plenty of blue & orange), listened to two books on tape and started a third, went to the gym a couple times, took down the Christmas decorations and put up the "winter" decorations, etc.
I wanted to start off the year right, so I got up this morning and ran a 5k on the treadmill at the gym. I decided it is much easier to run while I'm watching hockey and college football on tv! I also cleaned my bedroom (including dusting and vacuuming!), cleaned the kitchen, and cleaned both bathrooms... Now if I had only had time to organize my office :-) I grabbed lunch with Jen, ran errands, went grocery shopping, and finished off the night by watching the Idaho Steelheads with Brad - such a fun evening! Now I'll spend the rest of the night reading and relaxing. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, but am not really excited to get back to real life on Monday with a whole week of work!
5 years ago
please come to my house and do all that. :)
I ditto Robin's comment! You are one productive lady! Not much of a "vacation," but sounds like it was time well spent. Way to go!
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