It's official! Okay, it was really official the first part of January when the graduation evaluators confirmed that I had met all my degree requirements. But now my graduation really feels official. I got my diploma today (that's one of the perks of working in the Registrar's Office - everyone else's diploma is being sent in the mail... mine was hand-delivered). I just finished putting my diploma in the beautiful frame I received as a gift from Boise State's Division of Student Affairs for completing my Master's Degree. I'm excited to hang it on the wall in my office. Wahoo! It sure feels good to be done.
5 years ago
Where is the picture of it?
Congrats! I am jealous!
I want to see the picture! Love, Mom
What - don't you believe me if there's no picture? Just kidding... by popular demand, I have added a picture of my diploma :-)
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