Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Enforcers

Thursday, May 27, 2010
This week is the first ever "Staff Week" at Boise State.  There's been a volleyball tournament, bowling tournament, food drive, and it is capped off tomorrow with an ice cream social and music.  Kris, Mandy, Steve, and I participated in the bowling competition.  Our team name was "The Enforcers" because our office is in charge of enforcing a lot of policies set by different entities across campus.  I pretty much sucked, but our team did okay with a score of 470... which put us in 6th place.  I think the fact that we had cool team t-shirts should have bumped us up a couple in the rankings :-)


Mandy Nelson said...

I totally think our cute shirts should have bumped us up in the rankings! They award points for presentation on Iron Chef! ;)