I think in a past life I must have been an inventor. I come up with the best new ideas, only to find out that I'm not the first to think of the idea. It's not that I've seen these ideas somewhere before and then later recall them thinking the idea originated in my head. It's truly that I think of something cool, useful, etc. that would be really nice to have, and then see that someone else has not only thought of the idea, but developed and marketed it as well. Take string cheese, for example. I love string cheese, but I really love pepperjack cheese. A couple months ago I was talking to my friend Kris about how someone should really make pepperjack cheese sticks - what a great snack idea! Well, a couple weeks later, as I was shopping at Albertsons, I came across pepperjack cheese sticks. Hmm..... wonder why I never saw those before. Maybe someone just started selling them that week? Is my office bugged?
The most recent idea I had, however, actually has to do with blogs. I seem to spend more time recording my life on this blog than I do in my journal... so why not start a company that can actually publish my blog in a book? Just think, wouldn't it be nice to be able to pick which blog entries, pictures, comments, etc. that I'd like published, and maybe even play around with the layout? What a novel idea, right? I know, I thought so too. Turns out there's actually this company out there (that happens to be going out of business) that publishes blogs in the form of books. Not sure if their company offered everything I was envisioning in my mind, but the basic idea is the same. Anyone have some extra cash that would like to invest in/purchase this company with me??? Because it was my idea, after all :-)
5 years ago
I've heard great things about blurb.com as well. Maybe that's why this company is going out of business. Anyway, check it out. I love the idea of publishing your blog into a book.
Awesome - thanks Lisa! That's exactly what I was looking for. I knew there had to be something out there. Maybe when I've got enough "book-worthy" posts, I'll have to get one printed!
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