Sunday, April 08, 2007

Sunday Will Come

Sunday, April 08, 2007
My mom sent me this quote by Joseph B. Wirthlin a couple of months ago, and my great aunt included it in a talk at church today. I really like it, especially during hard times, and thought it was especially pertinent with today being Easter. I'm grateful that my faith is strong enough during those Fridays in my life, that I know that Sunday really will come. I thank my Father and His Son for their love and sacrifice for me.

"Each of us will have our own Fridays - those days when the universe itself seems shattered and the shards of our world lie littered about us in pieces. We all will experience those broken times when it seems we can never be put together again. We will all have our Fridays.

But I testify to you in the name of the One who conquered death - Sunday will come. In the darkness of our sorrow, Sunday will come. No matter our desperation, no matter our grief, Sunday will come. In this life or the next, Sunday will come."


Mandi said...

Sniff, Sniff . . . . I love you Kim. Sunday will come.

Stephanie said...

Kim, I love you. Ditto Mandi's comment. Sunday will come. Mom