Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Last week the water in my shower started draining really slowly, so I decided it was time to clean the shower drain. I left a picture off this post on purpose :-) All I have to say is that is one of the most disgusting chores I've ever done. Yuck!


Nancy said...

Cleaning out the shower drain is so gross to me that I can't do it for fear of throwing up and making a worse mess for my husband to clean up... He volunteers now, knowing the alternatives!

Robin said...

HI Kimberly! What I remember about that gunk in the shower drain is how it smells. Yuck!

Mandi said...

The only thing that is worse - is cleaning the shower drain at an apartment complex. Yeah - they need to make a rule that the shower drain should be cleaned out after each tenant. I had to clean the shower drain at my last apartment and almost died. I see why plumbers get paid so much.

Val said...

I bet it smelled really lovely, too! Jon cleans out our drain all the time--only because I will vomit if I do it and make more of a mess!