Monday, May 30, 2011

Going Driving

Monday, May 30, 2011

This spring has been especially chilly and rainy, so I was very happy today when the weather warmed up enough for us to get outside a bit and enjoy the sunshine.  My family took advantage of the day and went to the driving range.  We all had a great time :-)  I started out a bit slow, but really started connecting at the end and had a few beautiful, long shots (well, long for me at least - landing around the 200 yard marker).  I will just ignore all the balls that I hooked (gotta stop turning the club in my hands on my backswing!) or that only went like 10 yards :-)  I definitely need more practice, that's for sure.

As I mentioned a couple years ago, I took two golf classes as an undergraduate and learned a little about technique, but it's amazing how fast you can lose what you've learned without practice.  Thank goodness I haven't actually had any "business meetings" on the golf course because I think I would embarrass myself! I really do love the sport, even though it can be really frustrating when the ball doesn't go where I want it to go.  So who wants to take lessons with me later this summer?
Me, Beki, BJ (not sure about the look on his face!), Rachel (my brother's girlfriend), my Dad