As if I don't already spend enough time on the internet, I have two cool new sites that I have to check frequently throughout the day -
SteepandCheap and
WhiskeyMilitia. Both of these sites only sell one item at a time, but at a huge discount off the regular price. SteepandCheap is targeted toward sporting goods, whereas WhiskeyMilitia has a different variety of clothing, watches, etc. I just bought my first item off of WhiskeyMilitia - this super cute sweater for 60% off the regular price! Oh, and just in case you're a
Google Reader user (which if you're not I HIGHLY recommend that you start using it), you still have to check the site because reader doesn't update as quickly as the items change.
Oh, and I think I'm the last person on the planet to jump on the
CraigsList bandwagon (I know, weird that I haven't done this earlier, huh). I have sold a couple things on CraigsList before, but my sweet mom actually did all the legwork for me (posting, corresponding with those interested, etc.) Well, Saturday I bought a couple of new bar stools and decided to sell my old ones. I posted them on line yesterday and just a few hours later got an email from someone who wanted to buy them! They picked them up today and now I'm a little bit richer :-) So then I was hooked. I posted three more items today and hope the money keeps rolling in!
Nice!!! PS how did Pottery Barn go? So i want to do the challenge. here is my email jensen03004@gmail.com. Night! Thanks for having us all over :)
What cool websites! I love them! And a way cute sweater- I'm totally putting those on my favorites. How's the running going? Foot still hurting? I hope you're better soon!
Cute sweater! I'll have to check out those sites. I've bought stuff on Craig's list, but never sold anything. BTW, congrats on running the 3 miles, but sorry to hear about your foot! I hope it's feeling better. I just signed up for the red wave. What are your plans? Hope to see you there!
Yea for Craigslist and good deals! I'm a believer!
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