I have been making gingerbread houses every year at Christmastime since I was just a little girl. We used to make one large house as a family, but have each made our own houses for several years now. My mom seriously is the greatest. A couple weeks ago, my sister Beki had 17 people over to make gingerbread houses - yes seventeen! And my mom made enough houses for them each to decorate their own. Not only that, but my mom asked if I wanted to invite some friends over to make gingerbread houses with me! I decided to invite a couple coworkers and their kids to enjoy our family tradition. Jacob, Noah,
Mandy, Justin, Jami, and I had lot of fun decorating our houses! I thought my house turned out pretty cute, and will be submitting a picture of my beautiful house to the
Bossy blog gingerbread house contest :-)
Those are some pretty fancy houses. I think I already told you to post a picture of your amazing mom. She made 17 houses for your friends (plus those sugar cookies)! You better get her an amazing Christmas gift!
You look exactly the same as you did as a little girl! What a cutie!! Thank you so much for inviting us, Noah & I had a blast. He was very excited to show off his house to Daddy when we got home. I may have to invest in molds and start a new tradition at our house! :)
I have to agree with Robin....what an amazing mother you have!
Fun times.
I love your kid picture. You are so cute! Definitely, kudos to your mom- WOW!
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