Most people who know me know I hate WalMart. I hate the lines, all the people, the layout of the store, everything. Well, almost everything. They do have some of the lowest prices in town. Regardless, I try to avoid WalMart at all costs. The only time I really ever shop at WalMart is when I am spending other people's money and am trying to make it spread as far as possible. Today was one of those cases. Each year, our office buys presents for a student family who needs a little extra help at Christmas. This year, we banded with a couple other offices and were able to raise enough money to help give Christmas to two families. I was excited to be able to take the money we raised and go shopping! Jami and I braved our way through the pre-Christmas WalMart crowds to get shoes, clothing, underwear, books, hygiene items, toys, music, etc. for the families. We also had enough money to purchase $50 gift cards so they can purchase food or other necessary items. Shopping for a cause like this sure makes it easier to shop at one of my least favorite stores!
good post!
Oh well, I love Walmart. And Target (wish there were one in my neighborhood).
And I love your green blog! Is it snowing in Boise? (I'm on vacation in So. Ca. & it's rainy today)
I do like Target! And yep, it's snowing in Boise and the roads are slick :-( Oh, and it's FREEZING cold!
I too hate Wal-mart. Sure, they have the lowest prices in town, but you sacrifice many more lovely things for those low prices, such as good or decent customer service (some workers at our local Wal-mart don't even speak English at ALL!), and cleanliness of the store. I can't tell you how many times I've gone into Wal-mart and seen everything picked through, crap thrown all over the aisles and misshelved or misplaced.
I am a big fan of clean, bright, friendly, helpful Target as well. I'm even willing to drive down the street a few more miles and spend a few more dollars so that I don't have to deal with Wal-mart and all it's ineptness.
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