I finally got around to switching my bedding this weekend... out with the fall, in with the winter. The only problem was I needed to find space to store the fall bedding. I remembered I had a shelf in the top of my closet that wasn't being used - perfect. I have to stand on a chair to get to the shelf, and even then, I can hardly reach the shelf, let alone see what's on it. As I reached to put the bedding on the shelf, I felt something already on the shelf. That's weird - I hadn't put anything there. I proceeded to pull down these two really old knives that must have been left by the previous owner. Kinda creepy, but kinda cool too. Both are sheathed and one looks like a bayonet. My dad has agreed to research for me to see what kind of knives they are and to see if they are worth anything :-)
This is so cool. Maybe you can take them to Antique Roadshow and make a million. Plus you'd get your 15 minutes of fame.
Ditto Robin's comment. That is pretty neat... creepy, but neat.
By the way... word verification right now says "godful"
Wow, what an interesting surprise!!!
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