I think I can count on one hand how many times I've been skiing in my life. I remember going a couple times in elementary or middle school when the school would have ski nights. The last time I went was in 1998. It was night skiing and it was icy and windy and I didn't have the best gear so I was freezing cold. I was so tense as I skied down the mountain that I really didn't enjoy myself at all. Well, unfortunately that one bad experience surfaced in my memory each time I thought about skiing or friends talked about getting a group together to go skiing. Because of that one experience, I decided I wasn't really a winter sport person and never gave skiing (or any other winter sport) another chance.

On the other side of the spectrum, my sisters have been big into the winter sports for years. They both started out skiing and are now into snowboarding. With an entire week off of work, I decided to
finally give skiing another try. Beki and I went up to Bogus this morning, got our bunny hill passes and were ready for a day of fun. After a few runs down the hill, I joined a couple of my coworkers for a group skiing lesson. Once the lesson was over, Beki and I got a couple more runs in so I could practice what I had learned.
So after about five hours on the mountain, I am happy to announce that my outlook on skiing has changed! I stayed warm and didn't fall once and actually enjoyed myself the entire time (even though those boots are some of the most uncomfortable things ever!). I don't know that I'll ever be a hard core skier, but I can definitely see myself going up at least a few times each season. If only I could be teleported to the top of the mountain... I really hate driving on those curvy roads - at least they weren't snowy or icy!
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