As I was driving down to this morning's Beat Coach Pete race, I was thinking about the title of my blog post (I know, I'm a dork). I decided on the title "I May Never Beat Pete" with a first line of my post saying "... but I'll keep trying!"
Well, as you can see from the title of this post, I BEAT PETE! :-) As I started the race, I couldn't see Pete at all, and I really had no hopes of ever seeing him during the race. In previous years, you had to finish in under 27 minutes to beat Coach Pete. I was pretty happy with my time earlier this week (I did a practice 5k on the treadmill) of 28:30.... But around the 1/2 mile point, Coach Pete came into view! I was kind of excited, thinking I could keep the pace I was at, and if I could just keep Coach Pete in my sights, I might just be able to pull in front of him. So that's what I did - I kept him in my sights. I got closer and closer until we were only about 5 feet apart. That's when he decided to get a drink from the water station and I ran right past him! I was able to stay in front of him for the remainder of the race and finished with my personal best 5k time - 26:13.
I'm happy to add this "I Beat Pete!" shirt to my collection of "I'll Beat Pete Next Year" shirts :-)
2 months ago
Congrats! That is awesome!
Woo hoo! I am so proud of you!
What a stinking AWESOME time, Kim! 26 minutes- you ROCK! Next thing you know, you'll be as ripped as those body builders. Way to go! Seriously, that is impressive.
Yay! Awesome time! I am running a 13.7 minute mile. You are really fast!
Im glad you beat him! or else you would have been lying according to the shirt you got last year... :)
Yeah! Congrats!
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