Wednesday, October 06, 2010

I'm Praying For You

Wednesday, October 06, 2010
What would be your first reaction if someone told you, “I’m praying for you”? Would you wonder why they were praying for you? Would you get defensive thinking that you don’t need their prayers, that your life is fine? Are you comfortable telling other people you are praying for them? Or asking people to pray for you?

I met Jami in 2003 when I started work at Albertsons corporate offices. We quickly became friends, and we both now work together at Boise State. I remember the first time she told me she was praying for me. It seemed so out of the blue, and I honestly felt a bit awkward. I was actually going through a difficult trial, but Jami would have had no way of knowing that. Or did she? Was I not hiding it well enough? In truth, Jami had no idea what was going on in my personal life, but I believe that she was in tune enough with the spirit that she knew I could use some extra support. And that small line, “I’m praying for you,” ended up giving me comfort, knowing that God was aware of me and had other people watching out for me.

Over the years since, Jami has offered up several times that same sentence, “I’m praying for you.” She has prayed for me when I have encountered roadblocks in my personal life or when I was working on a difficult project or when she hoped something would go my way. I’ve never told her what those words mean to me… that having her support and His help in my life are precious blessings.

I think I have learned some great lessons from Jami.
  • I want to live my life in a way that I can always be in tune enough with the spirit that I know when others are in need – when they need me to pray for them.
  • I shouldn’t be afraid to tell others I’m praying for them. Sometimes just letting them know that will be a comfort to them.
  • I also shouldn’t be afraid to ask people to pray for me when I am in need. Jami has asked me to pray for her or her family or friends several times over the years, and I am always happy to do so. In some instances, I think we can use all the prayers we can get.
Thank you Jami...


    Jami said...

    Thanks Kim and ditto these are such kind words. I am so blessed to have your friendship.

    Joni and Chase said...

    What a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing. Prayers are amazing gifts...