Saturday, May 29, 2010

Daily Bread

Saturday, May 29, 2010
You'll never guess what my most recent purchase is... a one year supply of food :-)  We are taught that we should have a food storage in case of emergency.  Many people stock up over the years, purchasing wheat and beans and oats and rice in bulk.  Well, I got my one year food supply in one fell swoop from Daily Bread!  There are a lot of things I found appealing about the Daily Bread food storage.  First, it's it's super light weight and hardly takes up any room.  My whole year of food fits in 3 boxes.  Second, it has a 25 year shelf life.  Third, I think the food tastes pretty good (at least the sample I tried did).  So if there's no emergency in the next 20 or so years, I think I'll just start eating my food storage :-)  And the best part is that there is no preparation like there would be with a "regular" food storage.  It's all freeze dried so you just have to add water.  Sweet!


Corinne said...

Wow! I'll have to check out their site- I've never heard of it!