I have hated watching the gas prices climb over the last couple of years. This summer was horrible, with gas well above $4.00 a gallon (this picture was taken near the end of June). I remember when gas was 97 cents a gallon! I was stoked, however, when I filled up for $2.99 a gallon yesterday... even if that was with a 10 cent per gallon sale Albertsons was having. Gas prices are finally coming down! I have noticed on other people's blogs and facebooks accounts that gas is even cheaper on the east coast and midwest (generally), so I'm hoping that Boise's gas prices will catch up (or down!) soon :-)
I was amazed when we went to gas up today, and we got it at $2.77/gallon!!! I was thrilled!
We've been pleasantly surprised at the pumps as well. I hope it keeps dropping! I've heard of places under $2!!
We are at $2.54. I hope this means grocery prices will follow.
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