I have been working out at the Boise State Rec Center now for almost three years. I am definitely a social exerciser, so I enjoy the group exercise classes. I typically take classes over my lunch break - usually lift, spin, step aerobics, or circuit training. I decided to try something new tonight - yoga (
Stephanie - aren't you proud of me?!) I am one of the most inflexible people I know, so this class was quite interesting! It's probably a good thing I didn't have a camera with me :-) It amazes me how random unnatural poses can be such a good workout - I can tell I'm going to be sore tomorrow! Take this pose for example - the Eagle Pose:

Yeah, I know, she makes it look easy... but I dare you to try it! You wrap one leg around the other, hooking your foot behind the opposite leg, sit back a little, and then wrap your arms up. Try standing still without wobbling and stand there for a while. Not so easy, huh! Here's another:

This one looks even easier, but it's actually kind of painful :-) I think it's called the reverse triangle or something along those lines. Once we held this position for a while, we had to keep the one hand on the ground and straighten the front leg. I am pretty sure that with some of these poses I stretched certain muscles for the first time in my life! In any case, I gained a new appreciation tonight for yoga, and I'll definitely be going back to try and perfect my skills :-)
Hahaha! Totally not as easy as it looks! The bottom one is SUPER hard...I use it in my power classes!
once upon a time, I was flexible enough to do some of those poses. My balance was never good, especially in yoga poses. Good for you going for something different. Cory doesn't believe yoga is difficult at all. (He's never tried it; manly man syndrome).
You'll totally be surprised at how much you improve even the next time you go. Yoga really is amazing. I miss doing it and am too lazy to do it at home. Although, I justtell myself I'm too busy :)
Hey...second comment for this post...I went to lunch with Simone today and we were chatting about people we kept in touch with and she mentioned Jen and that you two were friends...it didn't even dawn on me that was Jen Bradley in those pics. Will you tell her hi and that I think she looks so beautiful and amazing!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, agreed the more yoga you do, the easier it gets...I promise!!!
i giggled the whole time at my first yoga class. i really love it now and wish i were still in an intermural class. Way to be so diligent with your exercise, Kim. I like your variety. Someday, a spinning class would be fun. I hear they can be brutal.
I got certified to be a yoga instructor a few years ago (before the kids came) and I thought I was pretty good until I saw what the instructors could do! I was humbled.
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