Sunday, January 18, 2009

Resolution Revolution

Sunday, January 18, 2009
Remember Troy McClain from The Apprentice? I loved that show, and rooted for fellow Boisean Troy the whole way.
Well, a couple weekends ago, I had the chance to see him live and in person as he presented at "Resolution Revolution", a workshop put on by a local fitness company (Fitness Together) about making and setting goals and changing from the inside out. There were some great speakers, some excellent ideas on setting attainable goals, and all proceeds from the event went to the Special Olympics, so that made it even better! I liked one of the things they shared and thought I'd post it here. It talked about making "SMART" goals. So go back, look at any resolutions you have set, and think about altering them based on these suggestions. Goals should be:
Specific - set specific short-term and long-term goals
Measurable - make sure that you can measure your progress
Action - there should be action steps set to reach each goal
Realistic - don't set goals so high that they are unreachable, but do stretch yourself
Time - set a deadline for each goal