Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Yep, That's Me!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
A year ago, I had no texting included in my phone plan and I paid 15 cents per text. Then, when I started at my new ward in March, I realized I would need at least a basic plan, as all announcements/reminders/party invites were sent out via text, so I upgraded to 250 texts per month. I soon decided that wasn't enough, as I kept going over my limit, so I bumped my plan up to 500 texts per month. I now have unlimited texting and can't imagine going without. I loved this comic my mom sent yesterday... it's so true - texting is one of the easiest ways to communicate and in many cases has replaced many of my other methods of communication such as email (people always have their phones with them, but aren't always at their computer checking their emails). How about you... does this comic ring a little too close to home?


Lisa said...

So I haven't really gotten that into texting! I know...I'm totally behind the technology world.

I was totally bummed that I didn't get to see you over Christmas. I will probably be coming back this summer...I usually try to visit every summer. So, we are definitely getting together!