Friday, January 01, 2010

Goal Patrol

Friday, January 01, 2010

I just ordered a set of bracelets from GoalPatrol.  The idea is that you identify a goal, break it up into five measurable steps, and then start working toward that goal, 1/5th at a time.  When you start working toward the goal, you wear the first bracelet.  Once you have conquered step one, you put on the second bracelet.  You continue to switch out the bracelets until you reach your goal.  I like this idea because it's a visual reminder that you're working toward something, and you work toward that goal in manageable steps so it doesn't seem so difficult.  I'm hoping this will work for me, because once I finish my first goal, I've already got a list in mind of what other goals I might use the bracelets to help me achieve.


Goal Patrol said...

Hi Kimberly,

I'm the founder of Goal Patrol, Melissa Shapiro. I wanted to thank you for your support. Someone pointed out your link on my stats so I wanted to personally thank you for blogging about us!

Good luck with your goal!