Wednesday, April 13, 2011

First Thursday - April 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
When I heard that Brooke had never been to First Thursday, I decided we needed to do something to fix that!  We had a great time last Thursday enjoying the arts and culture that Boise has to offer.  We started out the night at the Fettuccine Forum and learned all about Idaho authors past and present... I've got some interesting sounding books to add to my Goodreads!  After that we headed to an art gallery where the artists re-purposed "found" objects, we watched a glass blowing demo, and we listened to an author reading at a locally owned bookstore.

The highlight of the night, however, was our tour of the Cyrus Jacobs-Uberuaga Basque boarding house.  It was built in 1864 and is the oldest surviving brick building still in existence in Boise.  During our 45-minute tour, we learned all about Basques and life in early Boise.  Sometimes the house had over 20 people at once staying there... with 3-4 strangers sharing one bed.  Not sure how I could have done that!  And they only bathed once a week because it was it was expensive to heat the water... and they all shared the same water, bathing oldest to youngest.  I wouldn't want to be the last to bathe in that water!


Mandy Nelson said...

That's where the saying "don't throw the baby out with the bath water" comes from. The water was so nasty by the time you bathed the baby!! EWWWW!