I love productive evenings. Tonight I did three loads of laundry, washed and polished my motorcycle, cleaned up my garage, fixed a broken fence board, and ran 2.25 miles :-) When I pulled my bike out of my garage to start cleaning it, my across-the-street neighbor walked over and told me he had something for me. He proceeded to give me these three framed pictures. He told me that he had come over one day and taken pictures of some of the flowers in my front yard and wanted to give me the pictures. Isn't that so nice!!! I thanked him and thanked him, and when he left, I even got a little teary eyed. That was so thoughtful. It made me want to be a better neighbor - to get out and talk to my neighbors more, to get to know more about them and their lives. I appreciate my neighbor and hope I can pass along the kind deed.
2.25 miles- Way to go! That was a very nice neighbor :).
One day I would like to type the words "I polished my motorcycle".
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