Since we all loved the
Snake River Stampede so much this year, we decided to head out to the Caldwell Night Rodeo on Friday night. The Caldwell Night Rodeo really is an awesome rodeo, with ranked bull riders, ropers, bronc riders, and steer wrestlers from around the country. I bought a new "
Tough Enough to Wear Pink" shirt for the occasion! We sat on the rowdies side (as opposed to the "civvies" side), which unfortunately meant we faced the sun until it finally set, but it was tons of fun cheering for the cowboys. There was one rider who fell off the bull, and the bull appeared to be trampling him, and then rolled right over the top of him. I was totally screaming because I was so scared for the rider, but miraculously he was okay and walked out of the stadium. I think that some of the rodeo events are crazy, and am not sure why someone would actually want to get on a bucking bull, but it sure is entertaining to watch!
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